Recently, one of my friends and co-workers greeted me in the morning with a large piece of beautiful silk with Chinese dragons. He had purchased it on a whim many years ago intending to use it in some project that never came to be. I asked him what he wanted made from it, but he said he just wanted me to have it.
"Lounge pants!" I said.
"What?" he replied.
"You need some fabulous lounge pants to wear on weekend mornings when you've had a sleepover date with one of the nice ladies you meet on the Internet."
"If I say yes to the pants will you stop talking?" he asked.
"Now let's discuss your inseam!" I continued.
He was turning three shades of red, so I relented.
Working with silk is a trip and a half. It's extremely strong, but also comes unraveled at the slightest provocation. It took about a half hour to cut out the pieces and start serging them together. Frankly, I don't know how people work with this kind of fabric without a serger. Oh wait. I used to. It sucked. Total of about three hours start to finish.